Quick Jump:
Code of ChivalryEvery single member of our community must adhere to our Code of Chivalry or face expulsion. Gamers come looking for a community like ours for a reason, they are sick of dealing with the filth, the chaos, unreliable teammates, griefing, modding, cheating, and general nastiness that can be found in online game lobbies when playing without a good group of people. We aim to help give people a safe harbor, a place where you will always have good people to game with.
Below are our expectations, our
Code of Chivalry:
- Play with honor.
- Play by the rules (no cheating, modding, glitching, etc.).
- Don't kill your own.
- Everyone Fights, No One Quits.
- No gloating, show boating, or humiliation.
- Win with compassion, lose with dignity.
- In regards to your mouth - Keep It Clean.
SSG Logo and Knight Sanctioned EventsOur logo is the property of Sword and Shield Gaming and we are very proud of out property. Using our logo (current, future, or past) is reserved for the privilege of SSG Knights only. If you are not a SSG Knight, please do not use our logo.
Events such as Monday Knight Halo, Tuesday Knight Teamwork, Wednesday Knight Warfare, etc are Knight sanctioned events and are a representation that a Knight of SSG is sponsoring the event. In the case where a member of another community (GGN or non-GGN) were to sign up for the event and something goes terribly wrong, we would like to be able to take responsibility for the event - because those are our sanctioned events. As such, when creating a Pre-Game Lobby please do not label the event as if it is a Knight sanctioned event, even if Knights are going to sign up for it. Creating Knight Sanctioned Events is reserved for the privilege of SSG Knights only.
User NameYour display name should be the same as your Xbox Gamertag, PSN tag, or Steam ID. This will help us to keep recruits straight and to help identify everyone in Camelot and in games.
RespectRespect is expected from all members of the SSG forums. SSG is our home and it is expected that every member respect these forums and its members. Keep it fun, keep it civil, and don't provoke. Just think thrice and don't post angry.
All Knights here know that while trust, loyalty, and honor are earned, respect is expected. It's upon you to maintain that respect. Use it to cultivate great relationships and strong bonds but keep in mind that you're in someones home.
More specifically our home: Camelot. Keep it fun, keep it civil, and don't provoke. Remember, when you yell in the forum you are yelling across our table.
Posting- Double posting, bumping, etc. are all allowed, but do not do so in an attempt to clutter the forums or to upset another member.
- No socially acceptable topics are off limit. However, when you post on a particularly incendiary topic (such as politics, religion, or BR starts), tread carefully. We all know what does and doesn't provoke others, but if you don't, we recommend not posting.
- Subsequently, posting in regards to controversial topics such as politics, religion, etc. is off limits.
- Harassment of any kind is not allowed.
- Baiting and/or flaming of any kind is not allowed.
- Debating is allowed on the forums, however, when open debate becomes an argument the conversation will be moderated.