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If you don't hear anything, it's probably Dead3ye and he fell asleep on you

Topic: Policy: Knight Emeritus - Inactivity - Banning  (Read 17126 times)

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Policy: Knight Emeritus - Inactivity - Banning
« on: 05 Dec 2012, 05:25 PM »
Emeritus Status (Updated 07-06-16)

- We understand real life comes first and things beyond anyone's control do happen, so SSG will do all we can to support you until you are able to play with us. We would like to think we are your online family, so keep in contact with us on the forums, Facebook, Slack, etc., and keep us in the loop with how things are going.

- Should a Knight drop out of communication, the following steps will be taken:
  • Every six months the Membership Council will meet and start the process of communication with the Knight(s) that have not logged in the the forums in the past six months.
  • The MC will check the other social spaces for activity: XBL, PSN, Steam, Slack, Facebook group, etc. If the Knight(s) appears inactive on all known social spaces then:
  • Those absent Knight(s) will try to be reached via at least 3 methods: forum PM, email, gaming platform choice, Slack, Facebook, Twitter, text, or phone call.  In whatever order the Membership Council (MC) believes will connect with said Knight the best.
  • The Knight will have 7 days to respond to any of the messages. The MC will explain that we believe the Knight to have been absent for “x” amount of time and talk to the Knight and see if we can help them if they need it. All that is required to stay on as a Knight is to simply explain why you’ve been gone and when you believe that you can come back. All we are looking for is some type of communication from the Knight. Basically if we get that the process stops.
  • If after 7 days we still have had no communication from the Knight(s) then they are made Emeritus automatically.
  • It is also possible that if we do make contact with said Knight that a conversation between the Knight and the MC could result in the the Knight realizing that they should be Emeritus due to their activity.
- The Emeritus path is one that we hope isn't chosen by any Knight, but we understand when the time comes. This path is reserved for any Knight who chooses to pursue it - be it from inactivity, video game retirement, internet retirement, real life issues which prevent you from being part of SSG, or even inter clan issues. Keep in mind should you choose this path, you will no longer be a full SSG Knight. You will be an Emeritus (Retired) Knight.  You are welcome to come back in the future, and we greatly encourage you to come back! We hope you can find your true path and that it leads back to us.

Caveat - If you choose to come back, since you are no longer a full SSG Knight, then keep in mind you must go through a trial period before gaining your full status once again. Since you left with specific reasons, we want to make sure those issues have been resolved. We will have a 2 week probation period where we will assess the previous situation(s) and make sure it has been resolved so you can be part of SSG without feeling like an outcast. After the 2 weeks, the Membership Council will cast a vote to have you re-inducted. We want you to come back and feel welcome once again, so understand why we have the probation period.

Banned Status

- This is reserved for the unruliest of Knights. Those that were somehow able to get into the Castle, but decided to try to destroy from within and/or decided not to follow the Code of Chivalry. SSG is a place with high standards of honor, respect, and Good Games, and as such, any Knight who does not follow the Code of Chivalry within SSG, Xbox LIVE, Playstation Network, or other gaming lobbies will be banned.

Caveat - If such an egregious act happens, you will be placed on a 2 week probation where all parties will be heard from and after the 2 weeks is up the MC will vote on your status.  There will be no second chances.

Edit: SSG Jayman 07-06-16 updated Emeritus policy
« Last Edit: 06 Aug 2016, 09:13 PM by SSG Jayman »
Quoted from: XerxdeeJ
Xbox Live is, for the most part, far less cool than it could be - for no other reason than the behavior of most of its clientele.  We aim to fix that.

Offline jayman

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Re: Policy: Knight Emeritus - Inactivity - Banning
« Reply #1 on: 06 Aug 2016, 09:14 PM »
Updated OP.
Quoted from: XerxdeeJ
Xbox Live is, for the most part, far less cool than it could be - for no other reason than the behavior of most of its clientele.  We aim to fix that.

Offline Jetstream204

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